
How To Test Cooking Oil

The testo 270 cooking oil tester - because every drop is precious

French fries, chicken nuggets or donuts: Fried food tastes proficient and is pop all over the world. For a consistent quality of the fried food, a regular exchange of the cooking oil is necessary. But beware: If the oil is inverse too late, the oil is already contaminated by deposition products, and the flavour suffers. Changing the oil too early, on the other paw, has a noticeable effect on costs, especially in view of the steep rise in the toll of vegetable oil.

With the cooking oil tester testo 270 you tin can determine the quality of the cooking oil with a elementary measurement - and thus the platonic fourth dimension to change it. In this way yous save oil – and costs – ensuring a consistently delicious frying flavour.

This is what the testo 270 cooking oil tester offers you

  • Illuminated display color with intuitive alarms based on the traffic light principle
  • Ergonomic blueprint for rubber handling (sufficient distance to the hot oil)
  • Washable under running h2o
  • Certified according to HACCP International, NSF and BVLK

Summate savings potential at present

This is how chop-chop the use of cooking oil measurement technology pays off for you: With just a few clicks, the Testo cooking oil reckoner shows y'all how much your individual savings will be.

The 270 cooking oil tester

Cooking oil tester

The cooking oil tester for every requirement: intuitive, fast and robust.



Indispensable accessories for your measuring musical instrument. Be fully equipped!

White newspaper cooking oil management

Testo white paper cooking oil management

What is behind the global rise in vegetable oil prices? What measures can businesses in the nutrient industry take? Testo experts explain backgrounds and solutions in the free white paper.

Practical guide to Cooking oil measurement

Testo practical guide cooking oil measurement

Tips, tricks and applied communication on the utilize of testo 270 in practice. Go the costless practical guide cooking oil measurement.

Which awarding are you interested in?

testo cooking oil tester
Test frying oil with Testo
Frying fat measuring instrument

The right frying oil test

In contrast to a cooking oil exam strip, measurement using a cooking oil tester is more than intuitive and reliable, higher up all providing reproducible, comparable measuring values. A dye is applied to a cooking oil examination strip and this changes colour accordingly in contact with the oil. Comparison with a table enables you to know how the quality of the oil is doing. However, because cooking oil strips measure the free fat acid content and this varies during frying, caution must be exercised here.

How do I test frying oil with the testo 270?

The frying oil test is extremely piece of cake with the testo 270 cooking oil tester:

  • Remove the fried product and wait until there are no more bubbling visible in the oil.
  • Switch on the cooking oil tester.
  • Immerse the cooking oil tester in the hot oil and measure.
  • Read off the TPM value - job done.

Measurement with the testo 270 cooking oil tester

Cooking oil tester

You can achieve better measurements and consistently precise measuring values with the testo 270. This is how it works: as shortly as the fried production has been taken out and at that place are no more bubbles rising in the oil, yous know there is no longer whatever h2o contained in it and the measurement can begin. Both water and whatsoever fried products would falsify the measurement. First, pay attention to the immersion depth. This is ideally betwixt the min. and max. markings on the probe. But like when checking the oil level for a car. A minimum distance of 1 cm should be adhered to between the probe and whatsoever metal components of the deep fat fryer. Modest circular movements in the oil make the frying oil test quicker.

When you use the testo 270 frying oil measuring device in the Car-Concord mode, the display flashes until the measurement is completed. Equally soon as the display stops flashing, it shows the Total Polar Materials component. Estimation of the value is peculiarly like shooting fish in a barrel thank you to the background illumination of the brandish:

  • Greenish (less than 20% TPM): all OK
  • Orange (between 20 and 24%): the oil is nonetheless OK. However, you lot should think about replacing it.
  • Ruby-red (more than 24% TPM): the oil must be replaced

Incidentally, cooking oil develops its all-time potential between xiv% and twenty% TPM: the oil is safe and the fried products gustatory modality peculiarly good.

How long does cooking oil remain good?

That always depends on which oil you use and how often you lot fry. However, to be on the rubber side, regular measurement with a cooking oil tester is recommended. The instrument enables a frying oil test to be carried out rapidly and yous can fry with a clear conscience. Depending on the utilization of the deep fat fryer, it may be advisable to measure the quality on a daily basis at first and then to extend the intervals.

Save cooking oil

Regular measurement with the testo 270 prevents the cooking oil from existence replaced too early or besides late – this tin reduce your cooking oil consumption past up to 20%, thus saving costs.

pH meters

pH meters

pH meters for food

In that location is a direct correlation between the pH value of a food and the growth of microorganisms. Dominion of thumb: the lower the pH value, the harder it is for germs to multiply.

With bakery products, a pH meter can provide valuable services in terms of assessing quality and consistency.

However, the pH value is crucial for raw and cooked meats: taste, colour, tenderness and shelf life are vitally dependent on this.


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