
Keanu Reeves' motorcycle company has a special bike in Cyberpunk 2077 | PC Gamer - colewavicujjoys

Keanu Reeves' motorbike companion has a special bike in Cyberpunk 2077

When you recruit Keanu Reeves to toy with a part in your game, you're non just getting an actor, you're getting a motorcycle producer. Reeves co-founded Arch Motorcycle Company with Gard Hollinger in 2011.

That cover worked out pretty well for CD Prokjekt Red River. Not only will Reeves be acting in Cyberpunk 2077, but some of his motorcycles will be, also. In the TV above, you can buoy see Arch motorcycles being used for audio recording purposes.

And one picky Arch motorbike will make an appearance in the spirited, as well. Patronising has been developing a motorbike known as Method 143, and a futuristic version of it will be a ridable bike in Hacker 2077.

"Information technology has sort of a racing locomotive in it compared to our production motorcycles," says Hollinger. "It has a multiple exhaust system. And it sounds pretty—"

"Rrrrrrrrr," Reeves explains. "It sounds obedient."

The video concludes with a some shots of the Curve 143 being ridden around in Night City. Looks-heady, it's not exactly what I'd forebode breathless, but it's pretty cool. And it does sound keen. Rrrrrrr!

Christopher Livingston

Chris started performin PC games in the 1980s, started writing some them in the early 2000s, and (finally) started getting paid to write about them in the late 2000s. Following a few years Eastern Samoa a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably so he'd stop emailing them interrogatory for to a greater extent work. Chris has a love-hatred relationship with survival games and an sickly fascination with the inner lives of NPCs. He's also a fan of offbeat simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs so he can catch up with his own.


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