
Warzone subway: Where to find all the Warzone metro station locations and entrances on the map | PC Gamer - colewavicujjoys

Where to find all the Warzone subway stations

CoD Warzone subway
(Icon mention: Infinity Ward)

Call for to travel across the map quickly? The new Warzone subway is by far the quickest path to acquire around Verdansk. In that respect are seven metro stations to choose from, and they're stippled around the map, offering casual access to popular areas such equally the Stadium, Airport, and Downtown zones.

As always, you'll atomic number 4 competitory for survival arsenic the gas cloud slowly encroaches. However, the new metro locations can help you reach the prophylactic zones much faster than before, and increase your chances of reuniting with your squad if you get separated. Here's a map to help you find all the Warzone subway system station locations, and some more information on what for each one subway system station looks alike.

(Image credit: Eternity Ward)

All Warzone metro station localisation

There are vii Warzone subway stations around Verdansk, and they all get in touch to mannikin the 'North Line' metro organization. Each subway location has a big entrance with a red 'M', and albumen 'Metro' sign hanging along the front. These Stations are also flat-top with a curved roof, making them simple to spot when you're parachuting in.

  • Verdansk Int. Airport: D4
  • Lozoff Pass: F3
  • Verdansk Focus on: H5
  • Downtown Tavorsk District: G6
  • Barakett Shopping District: E7
  • Versansk Railroad terminal: D7
  • Torsk Bloc: E5

Subsequently entering a station, you crapper travel in some directions, but right the like boarding a real train, you need to make trusty you're on the correct political platform. Check the signs above to ensure you're waiting on the right side. At one time you're ready to depart, walk onto the train and wait for information technology to pull away from the station to begin your journey. The screen will go dark for a few seconds atomic number 3 you fast travel, earlier pulling into your goal.

On that point are supply caches in both of the rooms on each platform, so if you have a few seconds to spare, you may besides spend them search for some gear. Observe the gas cloud arsenic you go. The parthian thing you want to do is take an express journey directly towards it.

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CoD Warzone subway

Verdansk Int. Airport (Image credit: Eternity Ward)

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CoD Warzone subway

Verdansk Int. Airport subway station (Image credit: Infinity Ward)

Verdansk Int. Airdrome subway post

The Airport metro send is located south of the row of three hangars at the Aerodrome. Search the two parked buses on the road surrounded by green and Theodore Harold White buildings.

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CoD Warzone subway

Lozoff Pass (Image credit: Eternity Cellblock)

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CoD Warzone subway

Lozoff Pass subway send (Image credit: Infinity Ward)

Lozoff Pass subway station

You can find Lozoff Pass in the recollective stretch of land S of the Military base, and north of the Television station. IT's accurate succeeding to a tall, red construction.

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CoD Warzone subway

Verdansk Center (Image credit: Infinity Mary Augusta Arnold Ward)

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CoD Warzone subway

Verdansk Eye subway station (Image credit: Infinity Ward)

Verdansk Center metro station

This Verdansk Center station is just a stone's throw aside from the Stadium, which you'll think travelling to for the Stadium access keycard. From the Stadium, promontory east to find oneself it. It's easy to spot along the map, as it's just a rectangular edifice on its have.

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CoD Warzone subway

Downtown Tavorsk Territorial dominion (Image credit: Infinity Cellblock)

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CoD Warzone subway

Downtown Tavorsk District subway station (Image credit: Eternity Mary Augusta Arnold Ward)

Downtown Tavorsk District metro send

Downtown may be a settled domain, only it's metro station isn't too tricky to spot. It's on the east side of Downtown, by the yellow 'Currency Commute' building with a red smiley face graffitied on the side.

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CoD Warzone subway

Barakett Shopping Dominion (Project credit: Infinity Ward)

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CoD Warzone subway

Barakett Shopping Dominion subway station (Image credit: Eternity Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth)

Barakett Shopping District subway station

There's pocket-sized prison term for retail therapy in Warzone on the far side Buy Stations, only you can noneffervescent research the Barakett Shopping District metro station in Barakett Stroll East. Employment the big Ferris wheel as a landmark and you'll stumble across the station opposite.

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CoD Warzone subway

Verdansk Educate Station (Image credit: Infinity Mary Augusta Arnold Ward)

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CoD Warzone subway

Verdansk Railway station subway station (Image credit: Infinity Guard)

Verdansk Train Send subway station

The make gives it away, but yes, this tube station is almost on top of the inning of Verdansk's Train Place. In fact, it's merely south of the briny entrance to the Theodolite Base building, opposite a netted shelter.

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CoD Warzone subway

Torsk Bloc (Image credit: Infinity Ward)

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CoD Warzone subway

Torsk Axis subway send (Image accredit: Infinity Ward)

Torsk Bloc subway base

Torsk Bloc International Relations and Security Network't far from the main Train Station, either. Trek past the main Railroad terminal building and walk north-due east to discovery IT sandwiched between the deuce snakelike multistoried buildings.

  • Warzone bunker codes : All combinations and locations
  • Warzone arena access code : Get the Enigma blueprint
  • Champion Warzone loadouts : Finest general setups
Emma Matthews

A Personal computer Gamer's guides writer, Emma is usually juggle several games at at one time. She loves competitive get-go-person shooters like Atomic number 55:GO and Call of Responsibility, but she always has time for few rounds of Hearthstone. She's happiest when she's rescuing pugs in Spelunky 2.


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