
How Long To Cook 17 Lbs Of Pork Shoulder In A Roaster Oven

Asked by: Gloria Telechea
asked in category: General Last Updated: 8th January, 2022

How long does information technology have to cook pulled pork in a roaster?

For delicious pulled pork, cook in a roaster for 6 hours at 300 to 325 degrees Fahrenheit or until the meat is autumn-apart tender.

Depending on your pulled pork recipe, you can roast your pulled pork in your oven or electric roaster. Be certain to cook until your meat reaches 165 degrees.

Besides, how do you cook a 15 pound pork shoulder? Set the meat on a rack prepare into a roasting pan. Roast for twenty minutes, and then reduce the heat to 325 degrees F. Continue to cook until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the shoulder reads 185 degrees F, about 4 hours. Remove the pork from the oven and let stand until cool plenty to handle, about 30 minutes.

Considering this, how long does it take to pull pork?

Cook for ii to 4 hours, until fork tender. Let the pork melt undisturbed for 2 hours, then begin checking it every half hour. Total cooking time will exist ii to 4 hours, depending on the amount of pork and whether it's os-in (which takes longer to cook).

What tin I cook in my electric roaster?

Bake, Steam, Tiresome-Melt, and Roast Also roasting large turkeys, hams, several chickens, I take used the electric roaster oven to cook a large batch of chili, stew, soup, enchiladas, lasagna, and chicken casserole. They are perfect for cooking a big casserole and and then taking to a neighborhood potluck.

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